Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry

AAA won the international architecture competition for this faculty hosting 10,000 students.
A hilly garden, ponds, and fountains set back the 360 meters long series of buildings from the noisy road and boulevard.
The project is organized along a North - South axis, a protected and shaded street punctuated by the transversal bridges connecting the two rows of buildings.
Two minitowers, indicating the main entrance and housing the administration, mark the center of this axis along with the library of the campus on the opposite side.
Finally, on the intersection of the two boulevards, a circular volume housing the amphitheaters serves as an urban signal for the crossroads and faculty.
- Location
- Client
Public Equipment Management
- Area
90.000 M²
- Value
75 M$
- Services
Design + Supervision
- Status
- Date
2006 - 2010